
更新时间:2024-05-27 类别: 评论 下载
  Liz Bonnin presents a controversial and provocative episode of Horizon, investigating how new scientific research is raising hard questions about zoos - the film explores how and why zoos keep animals, and whether they need to change to keep up with modern science or ultimately be consigned to history.
  Should zoos cull their animals to manage populations? Liz travels to Copenhagen Zoo, who killed a giraffe and fed it to the lions, to witness their culling process first hand. They think it is a natural part of zoo keeping that is often swept under the carpet. Should some animals never be kept in captivity? In a world exclusive, Liz visits SeaWorld in Florida and asks if captivity drove one of their orcas to kill his trainer.
  But could zoos be the answer to conserving endangered species? Liz examines their record, from helping breed pandas for the wild to efforts to save the rhinos. She meets one of the last surviving northern white rhinos and discovers the future of this species now lies in a multimillion-dollar programme to engineer them from stem cells. Veteran conservation scientist Dr Sarah Bexell tells Liz the science of captive breeding is giving humanity false hope. ……
BBC地平线:我们该关了动物园吗?的海报 BBC地平线:我们该关了动物园吗?


评分:8.1 / 地区:英国/ 片长:59 导演:特里斯坦·奎因 / 热度:51℃
类型:/ 语言:英语 编剧:
主演: Liz Bonnin
  Liz Bonnin presents a controversial and provocative episode of Horizon, investigating how new scientific research is raising hard questions about zoos - the film explores how and why zoos keep animals, and whether they need to change to keep up with modern science or ultimately be consigned to history.
  Should zoos cull their animals to manage populations? Liz travels to Copenhagen Zoo, who killed a giraffe and fed it to the lions, to witness their culling process first hand. They think it is a natural part of zoo keeping that is often swept under the carpet. Should some animals never be kept in captivity? In a world exclusive, Liz visits SeaWorld in Florida and asks if captivity drove one of their orcas to kill his trainer.
  But could zoos be the answer to conserving endangered species? Liz examines their record, from helping breed pandas for the wild to efforts to save the rhinos. She meets one of the last surviving northern white rhinos and discovers the future of this species now lies in a multimillion-dollar programme to engineer them from stem cells. Veteran conservation scientist Dr Sarah Bexell tells Liz the science of captive breeding is giving humanity false hope.



题目难度太大不怪2台拍得难看 但是地平线总这么拍下去也是没什么意思了 N.B.逛了国际大肚的动物园 一样头晕 被关的动物在哪里都一样惨 动物园在我看来不是要讨论该不该关 而是要讨论根本没有开的必要


(标题是开始补地平线的原因之一/意识先进)动物园优先濒临灭绝动物/最容易养好的/民众最喜欢的,反正没有最保障动物福利的。许多动物不适宜被圈养,大象比野生操劳大象寿命短一半;压力过大出现规癖行为;黑鲸每天自然游160km。自然栖息地破坏、圈养繁育过剩被处理、圈养动物无野外生存能力、人类活动持续破坏放归计划。未来动物园的趋势,单座动物园动物减少、拥有种类减少、圈养适合气候物种,用望远镜吧。Jane Goodall老太太还活跃着!



动物园需要改变 只是改变的够不够是问题 心疼因为环境不足够而导致一些不适合动物园生活的动物出现问题 也心疼因为人类破坏野生环境被迫只能生存在动物园的动物


想去看看有名的Detroit Zoo了 做动物园的意义到底是什么?如果真的没有起到任何对大众的科教作用 反而产生误导 不知道动物园除了满足人类私欲还有什么作用 但喜欢馆长一个理论 就是每个动物园只有有限的动物 这样可以最大化地保证专业性和动物福利 希望动物园能有根本性的革新。


